Monday, March 22, 2010

We Answered The Call !

Pictured from left to right are:  Norm, Louis, Mike, Ray, Andy, Eric, Father Martin, Mike, Jeremy, John, Jay, Jason, Dave, Troy and Jim.  Photo by John Sabbak (not pictured)

This past Saturday was our annual visit to the Answer The Call Catholic Men's Conference in Cincinnati, Ohio.  We were fortunate enough to have 16 of us attend the conference. 

The conference is one of the highlights of our year and we all certainly look forward to the day.  A BIG THANK YOU to John Blandin for again putting the trip together for us this year.  It was a terrific day of learning and spiritual growth.

The speakers this year included:

Jack McKeon  - former manager of the Cincinnati Reds and Florida Marlins. Jack's speech centered on the power of prayer and the importance of choosing a Saint that we can pray to on a regular basis for intervention in our lives.  He also stressed that we should not be fearful about professing our faith, and that in fact some day, someone may thank us for showing that strength.

Brian Rooney - I think ALL of us were thoroughly impressed by this member of the Rooney famiy of NFL fame (Pittsburgh Steelers).  Mr. Rooney's speech was inspiring to say the least.  His unapologetic approach to his faith was refreshing to all of us.  A particular theme that stood out was one of standing firm in your faith and taking time to put on the armor of Christ each day in order to prepare for the battles that await.  I plan to write more about his speech in later postings.  You can learn more about Mr. Rooney at

Father Mark Burger - As usual, Father Burger focused on getting us all ready for the Sacrament of Reconciliation.  It is always interesting to me that Father Burger is so adept at listening to God's word committed to doing his will.  Each year that I have seen him at the conference, I have been impressed with his approach to preparing for his speech.  He asks God what he is supposed to talk about.  And God always tells him!  You can follow Father Mark's blog at :

Jim Gruden - Mr. Gruden's is a true believer in the power of Eucharistic Adoration.  He gave some pretty impressive data to back up his passion for having this available in our parishes.  He also told his amazing story of faith as he relayed how he became an organ donor to a refugee from Rwanda.  

As always, the conference culminated in the celebration of the Mass.  It is a very powerful experience to share with a few thousand men.  The singing sure is different than on Sunday's at home!

Thank you again to all my St. Aloysius Men's Prayer Group brothers for a memorable day!  God Bless us all!


Sunday, March 7, 2010

Notes from March 6 Meeting


Certainly the largest group we've had.  We were posed with the problem (how wonderful!) of deciding whether or not to divide into two smaller groups.  We went with the regular format of one group and it seemed to work well.

Welcome to Tom - our newest member.  Recruited by Norm, our new member from the last meeting.  Way to go Norm!!!

As usual, our discussion took on a theme we did not really expect to focus on.  The Holy Spirit always guides us like this.  I look forward to it.  We spent a great deal of time talking about fasting.

Jim enlightened us all with his views, knowlege and experience about fasting.  Jim - we are always grateful for your input and are so happy that you are willing to share your experiences.

Next - a quote from 1 Corinthians, Chapter 10 that seemed to capture our attention:

"Therefore, whoever thinks he is standing secure should take care not to fall."  We all had the understanding from this that we can not rest on our spiritual good deeds.  We must keep moving.  Towards God.  When we stand still, when we THINK we are standing secure - trouble inevitably awaits.

The Gospel discussion from Luke 13 and the parable from Jesus about the fig tree was an interesting discussion.  God is patient with those of us who do not produce fruit that serves his purpose. Although God is patient, this parable reminds us that at some point we DO have to repent.  If not, we put ourselves in peril and risk being cut down like the fig tree mentioned in this passage.

Mass following was quite well attended.  Father Jack told us all about how beautiful Rembrandt's Prodigal Son paining is, which is why I put up a copy here.  It really is something to behold - Thanks Father Jack!

Some links that I would like share with you are: and 

Have a wonderful week!