Monday, December 7, 2009

Welcome to the St. Aloyisius Men's Prayer Group Blog

This is the blog for the Saint Aloysius Men's Prayer Group.  This blog will be updated as often possible.  Since we meet twice per month, we will have at least two postings per month.  Topics posted on our blog will relate mostly to the subjects we discuss in our meetings, but will not be limited to them.

Over time, we hope to have postings from all of the members of the Men's Prayer Group.  Our discussions are always interesting, lively, and certainly worthwhile of sharing outside of our meetings.

If you would like post to our blog, send me and email at and I will add you to our list of bloggers!

This past Saturday, December 5th we discussed the readings from the second Sunday of Advent.  Out of that discussion, some key points were:
  • The Prayer of St. Gertrude.  One of the members brought this up when we were discusssing praying for the souls in Purgatory.  Everytime someone says this prayer, 1,000 souls are released from Purgatory.  Imagine how many souls can be helped by this!  You can link to the prayer by going to
  • Remember to spend time with your Guardian Angel!  The church teaches us that "From infancy to death, human life is surrounded by their watchful care and intercession."  Think about it!  Each of us have an ANGEL watching us with care and interceding on our behalf!  Here is a link to aseveral prayers for Guardian Angels:
  • The Prayer for the Dying.  The link to this prayer is :  Thanks to Adam for bringing this up for discussion!
Remember that we will be holding mini-summit in the Eagle's Nest on January 30th.  Look for details in the bulletin and on this blog soon!

God's blessings on each of you



  1. Eric,

    Well Done on getting this rolling! I loved the way you captured the points of the meeting. God Bless

  2. Nolafoodguy,
    Thanks for getting this blog rolling. Jim
