Friday, April 2, 2010

The "Good" in Good Friday

I have heard a number of people asking lately why Good Friday is named as such since it is the day commemorating the Crucifixion.  What could possibly be "Good" about that?

The good that comes out of Christ's sacrifice is apparent on a number of fronts I think.  Consider:
  • Think of the fact that Christ opened the door to Eternity with the Creator of All with his sacrifice.  This is the ultimate gift of gifts. 
  • Christ's suffering was in perfect union with the scriptures of the old testament.  In particular the prophet Isaiah.  I encourage you to read chapters 52 and 53.  Awesome when you consider the detail.
  • The suffering of Christ brings us knowledge that our sufferings in our daily life have purpose.  His suffering was for the SOLE purpose of our salvation.   Our sufferings, whatever they might be, are to be seen as a blessing.  A hard viewpoint to accept, but unwaveringly, God provides answers to why we suffer the things we do.  Good invariably comes out of this
The other point I am considering today is the human aspect of Jesus and how difficult it must have been for Him as a MAN to know absolutely the pain He would endure today and that He was marching towards His death.  Take strength from His resoluteness.  NOTHING is insurmountable with the Love and Grace of our wonderful and most glorious God.


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