Tuesday, January 25, 2011

From our meeting on January 22 - Back to Blogging!

Well, I suppose keeping up with this blog was a bit more difficult than I thought it would be.

Sharing the goings-on of The Men's Prayer Group is something I truly enjoy.  Life has a lot of distractions and I have just not been posting for some time.  I am going to try to post regularly from now on.  We'll see how I do!

Some highlights from this past Saturday's meeting:
  • It was COLD!!!  The thermometer on my car said 3 degrees (Jeremy's said ONE!)
  • We had 15 attendees, including Andy's son AJ - good group and great to have a young visitor!
  • As always a couple of solid themes came out of the readings and our discussion
One of the themes was that being "comfortable" can be kind of a bad thing some times.  We get comfortable in a lot of ways.  Comfortable inside our own homes, in our soft chairs, watching our big screen TVs.  Comfortable in the same friendships, habits and routines.

It seems to me that being comfortable can also mean we are being selfish.  Not always, but sometimes.  For example, staying home in bed at 6:30 AM on a Saturday morning when it was THREE degrees outside would have been comfortable.  But we all chose to be a bit UNcomfortable and were certainly rewarded for the effort!

Volunteering our time to help others also takes us out of our "comfort zone."  Especially if we volunteer to do something that takes considerable time or doing something we are not familiar with.  Teaching the PREP class for the last year and a half has been much more rewarding than I imagined.  I had to choose to put my own comfort aside and give up "my" time to undertake this effort.  I honestly feel that I have gained more than I have given.

Take some time to think about how you can challenge yourself to be "uncomfortable" in a way that will help others. If we all do it, imagine how much we can help each other!

I'll save some of my other thoughts from Saturday for later in the week.  It will give me something to write about!  I'll be doing some research on the prophet Isaiah this week and will share it on here.

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