Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Choose to move

The Lenten Season is upon us. The arrival of Ash Wednesday brings, for all of us, a sense of repentance and an opportunity to look within ourselves to assess our spiritual health.

What came to me today as I contemplated the beginning of this season was that this is, uniquely, a time that WE can CHOOSE to MOVE towards God.  So much of our year is spent in prayer about preparation, hope, and other passive spritual activies.  I realized today that the season of Lent is a time that we can actively MOVE towards God and His will.

As Catholics, we grew up knowing that we had to "give up" something for Lent.  Oh, boy - we thought. Here we go again.  Candy, movies, soda, meat, or whatever it was.  Growing up, it was just what you did.  Give something up.  But what did it MEAN?

Giving something up means changing your behavior.  And everytime you go to the activity or item that you give up, you are reminded of what Jesus gave up for US.  Your choice, our choice, to participate in a sacrifice - even a small one - is a way for us to MOVE towards God.

It's pretty cool if you think about it.  We can actually demonstrate our love to God.  We can SHOW Him that we love Him.  Not in a self-seving sort of way, but in a selfless manner.  I love the idea that God gave us this gift - a gift of actively particpating is His love.  So amazing!

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