Sunday, February 21, 2010

From our meeting on Saturday, February 20

It was another great turnout for our group this week.  We had 14 of us there.  We've had 14 a couple times in the past that I can remember.  I was hoping one more member would show up and become the 15th person.  That would have been the first time that I know of that we would have had 15 people together.  Maybe next time.

Welcome to our newest member - Norm!  We were all glad to have you there and even happier that you mentioned that you came as a result of our group being mentioned as a part of the stewardship program outreach announcement during Sunday Mass.  We all hope to see you again and again!

Our discussion seemed to focus around our realization that the Lenten season is a focused time for us to test ourselves to be who we want to be.  To be who God is calling us to be.

Michael mentioned a salesman who discussed how he could automatically add to his bank savings account by signing up for a regular automatic decduction.  He related this to our spiritual lives.  We don't have that option with God.  We can't sign up for an "automatic spritiual deposit" into our "faith accounts."  We are called to make deposits into this account through our actions.  This was another reminder of what the Lenten season is about.

Troy mentioned that we should spend more time reading about the Saints.  Of course, I first thought he meant the SUPER BOWL CHAMPION SAINTS - but he meant the Saints in heaven.   Sorry - selfish moment there!  But we all agreed that there is a lot to be gained from spending time reading about, learning about, and praying to the Saints.

I can not remember who mentioned it, but someone mentioned that there was a proverb that spoke to the thought of resisting temptation nad it will flee from you.  I could not find a proverb that spoke directly to this point, but I did come across a quote from the book of James, James 4: 7 - it says:

So submit yourselves to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

It's about changing our behaviors and the rewards and peace that result from choosing to do so.

Finally - Jay Schmidt mentioned that there are Chapel Prayer Services during Lent on Friday's at 7 PM.  The prayer services will be held during lent and include prayers from the Pieta Prayer Booklet and the St. Bridget Prayers.  You can read more about the 15 St. Brigdget Prayers at

Have a wonderful, Christ centered week!


1 comment:

  1. Eric,

    The group will get the 15th person soon:)

    Keep up the Great work!

    God bless,
